Sunday, July 29, 2007

2007 Uvas South Bay Triathlon

Top Ten Things I will Remember about Uvas South Bay Triathlon 2007

10. Why are we parking in this cow pasture and why is that guy directing traffic wearing only boxers and cowboy boots?
9. Wow, I get to rack next to Monica Zucker. She’s much easier on the eyes than my last rack mate; I think his name rhymed with lark.
8. You know the water level is low at Uvas when you have to take a chair lift down to the swim start.
7. The swim was more of a mud crawl rather than a swim while avoiding submerged trees, last year’s competitors, and two very lost humpback whales (heh, heh – he said “hump”).
6. If you draft on the bike, but there are no course marshals to catch you, is it still illegal…just asking.
5. For the sake of people with very wimpy feet, would someone please SWEEP the transition area? I’m bringing a broom next year.
4. Pete Zucker had a good idea to try to slow Steve Chavez down on the run, but it was hard to convince Steve to take a wrong turn on an out and back run course.
3. Being passed like I was running in reverse by the 50+ y.o. Steve who started 5 minutes later in the wave behind me, is a definite shot to the ego, but a good reminder to never miss a track workout.
2. Hey J&A, triathletes appreciate the food after an event, but could we re-think the BBQ chicken with extra sauce and the lack of utensils and plates for next year’s race. How about something easy like pizza or burritos.
1. Beer tastes good; no matter what time of day or night it is drunk, especially after a race.

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